Resveratrol and Quercetin support blood sugar levels and mimic calorie restriction for healthy weight loss.

What’s the secret to staying slim, healthy, and young?

The French smoke, drink and eat lots of cheese. Yet, despite eating a diet that’s relatively high in fat, French women are the slimmest in Europe. The average French woman weighs 137.6 pounds. Compare that to the average 168-pound American woman in America.1 The French also enjoy one of the lowest rates of heart disease in the world. This contradiction has been coined “the French paradox,” and is believed to be partly due to eating a Mediterranean-based diet, drinking red wine, exercising, and walking a lot. 2

Mediterranean Diet Food Pyramid

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest dietary patterns thanks to a combination of foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. And the antioxidants in red wine have been touted by scientific studies to have anti-inflammatory and blood lipid regulating effects. 3,4 Resveratrol and Quercetin combined may produce similar results.

But you don’t have to drink wine to gain the benefits. Resveratrol dietary supplements offer an easier, healthier way . . . without the added sugar, carbs, and calories.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in red grapes, red wine, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, tomatoes, peanuts, and cocoa. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which hundreds of studies have shown to provide cardiovascular and anti-aging benefits. 5-11


  • Supports healthy blood flow and circulation by relaxing the endothelium (lining of the arteries) 5
  • Increases HDL, the “good” cholesterol 6
  • Lowers LDL, the “bad” cholesterol 6
  • Supports healthy cognition 7
  • Delays cellular aging by activating sirtuins, an anti-aging regulator 7
  • Supports the immune system 8
  • Supports healthy blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity 9,10
  • Supports cognitive function 11,12
When RESVERA Q™ ANTI-AGING is taken along with WeBlume’s REJUV NMN™ ESSENTIAL, the resveratrol acts as an accelerator to speed up the pace at which sirtuins work.

Brain support
Clinical evidence suggests that resveratrol is able to improve cerebral blood flow, reduce neuron inflammation and improve cognitive performance. In one study, healthy adults aged 50-75 years, who took resveratrol every day for 26 weeks improved their ability to complete memory tasks. 11,12

Anti-aging benefits
Telomeres are the protective caps at the tips of chromosomes. Their job is to protect our DNA, but they shorten as we age. Since there’s a direct correlation between telomere length and life expectancy, stress, and the onset of age-related diseases, it’s important to make an effort to maintain their length. 13

The good news is that resveratrol penetrates the cells’ nucleus and increases our body’s production of telomerase, the enzyme that helps lengthen telomeres. 14

Estrogenic effects
Resveratrol is a phytoestrogen — plant-based estrogen — that acts like the female hormone estrogen. Phytoestrogens have been shown to have a positive effect on mood and mental performance in women during menopause when estrogen levels begin to decline. 15

A study of 40 postmenopausal women with a high body mass index (over 25) found that a daily 1 gm dose of resveratrol has favorable effects on estrogen metabolism.16

Protects against insulin resistance
Quercetin is a flavonoid (plant pigment) found in plants and foods including red wine, onions, green and black tea, apples, berries, and some leafy green vegetables and beans. Its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities are well documented. 17


  • Provides strong antioxidant support 18
  • Produces anti-inflammatory effects, inhibiting the release of histamine 18
  • Offers a cardioprotective effect 19
  • Helps lower LDL oxidation when used in combination with resveratrol 19
  • Inhibits intestinal glucose absorption 20,21
  • Improves glucose utilization in peripheral tissues 20, 21
  • Lowers glucose levels 20, 21
  • Helps protect against insulin resistance 22,23

What is Insulin Resistance?
When we eat a diet high in processed carbohydrates, are stressed and sleep poorly, live a sedentary lifestyle, and have chronic health issues such as cardiovascular disease, the body can become insulin resistant. When this happens, the peripheral tissue cells lose their sensitivity to insulin, and the pancreas begins to produce excess insulin. This leaves glucose and other nutrients that are not absorbed circulating in the bloodstream. When this happens, you pump out more and more insulin, become more resistant to its effects, and end up with insulin resistance. Eventually, the pancreas becomes overburdened and starts making less insulin. That’s when things go from bad to worse, and you can end up with serious blood glucose issues.

How does quercetin help?
In a number of laboratory animal studies, a combination of quercetin and resveratrol showed the potential for improving blood glucose processes in humans, including insulin resistance. 22

Supports healthy fat metabolism and weight control
BioPerine® is a patented extract of black pepper fruit that contains a 95% piperine content. Peperine is the active ingredient in black pepper, which is one of the most widely used spices in the world. But it’s used for more than just flavor. Scientists have discovered that piperine provides a number of therapeutic health benefits.

Black pepper:

  • Provides antioxidant effects 23
  • Stimulates pancreatic digestive enzymes 23
  • Reduces gastrointestinal food transit time 23
  • Decrease intestinal absorption of dietary cholesterol 23, 24
  • Supports healthy blood lipid levels 23, 24
  • Supports healthy weight by blocking fat absorption 25
  • Supports cardiovascular function 26, 27

Yes! But piperine may increase the absorption of some drugs, so if you are on a prescription drug, check with your physician first.


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  11. A. Veronica Witte, Lucia Kerti, Daniel S. Margulies, Agnes Flöel Effects of Resveratrol on Memory Performance, Hippocampal Functional Connectivity, and Glucose Metabolism in Healthy Older Adults. Journal of Neuroscience 4 June 2014, 34 (23) 7862-7870; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0385-14.2014.
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