You want to know that youre not only getting trustworthy paperwork for your dog, but also that its fast, easy, and headache-free for you. We spend months and sometimes years planning our breedings. We know that owning a bully means more than just having a companion. Breed Profiles; Before you Breed; . A breeder that doesnt have pedigrees for their dogs is a red flag, any responsible breeder knows the importance of this paperwork. There is only one original Mating Simulator out there, the Bully Pedex mating simulator. Get an instant preview of what your future pedigree will look like. Portage, Once your Bully is registered with a kennel club like United Kennel Club (UKC) and American Kennel Club (AKC), you will be able to get your dogs pedigree. Blue silky fur with white accent along the Bully Pedex dog crates for large/medium dogs are designed for your best friends weighing 30-80 pounds and feature a heavy-duty steel construction that won't bend or break easily. The dog does not need to be registered anywhere else, but if the dog is, please send copies of the registration certificate and pedigree. The American Bully originated in the United States between 1980 and 1990 and is the product of an American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pitbull Terriers, and other bully breeds. (920)391-9904 The Molossus (Greek: ) (also known as the Molossian hound or molosser) were dogs that belonged to the ancient Greek tribe and kingdom of the Molossians. As a member what does replacement material cost in the event of loss or damage? 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